Best of luck for your memorable experience.
To know about the booking procedures please send us an email with your short profile with an image at and we will get back to you within 24 hours with all the details and formalities.
We will include your profile among the group members and will share it with other members who would be joining you. Please find below the list of companions who would be with us throughout this memorable experience. We would really make it a big news locally as it will also be a contribution towards the development of different aspects that preserves some of the rural culture of the Foot hills of Himalayas:
The Group Members:

1. Mr Khin Zaw
Nom de Plume (Naing Zaw)
Place - Mynamar
Role in Publication and Journalism :
Medium of writing language:
Burmese (Myanmar)
First printing;
A poem “Ghosts” in Annual Magazine of Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, 1978-79
Already published 33 books, including novels, short stories, ethics, socio-cultural, history and poems.
Recent Publication;
Silavamsa Dah (The Sword of Virtuous-lineage), Srivatsa Publications, Yangon, 2013, December. (Historical novel based on Second Anglo-Burmese war, 1851-1853).
“Magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda” preparing to publish in early October 2014.
Owner of Srivatsa (Thiriwitsa) Publications, Yangon, since 1995 May .
Papers presented in ..
“Annual Research Conferences of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS)” Yangon University, since 2008; history, archeology, and anthropology section.
Summary of expertise and attributes :
A Medical Doctor and Educationist with 30 years of work experiences in various sectors.
Retired & full time free-lance writer; at present.
Contemporary socio-cultural research (qualitative and quantitative), history and archaeology, reading, writing, painting, creative art.

My name is Cseeszka Borjigin. I am an artist, creative writer, copywriter, and I teach English to people around the world who are trying to rise up in the corporate world.
Here is one sample of how I use my body-painting and writing to raise awareness and funds for those in need. This particular fashion show and body-painting raised over $170,000.00 for the sexually abused children in Denver, CO in just 2 hours. Walk on The Wild Side Fashion Show Event 2012
Thank you,
Cseeszka Borjigin
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